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Do More With Less: Consolidate Your Tech Stack in a Downturn

Written by Samuel Banks | Feb 10, 2023 9:00:00 AM

The responsibility of ensuring that your company's marketing efforts are effective and efficient can be a challenge for any marketer, especially in a downturn when budgets may be tight and resources scarce.

One way to stretch your marketing budget further is by consolidating your tech stack.


What Is a Tech Stack?

A tech stack is a collection of software applications and tools that businesses use during their operations.  It can include everything from marketing automation software to social media management tools to customer relationship management (CRM) systems.

Reduce Cost and Increase Efficiency

Consolidating your tech stack means relying on fewer tools that are better integrated with each other. This reduces the cost of having multiple tools from different vendors, as well as the cost of managing them all separately. It also increases efficiency because you won't have to switch back and forth between different tools or spend time trying to make them work together

Having a well-organised and streamlined tech stack can help you do more with less. By consolidating and optimising your tech stack, you can reduce costs, streamline processes, and improve the efficiency of your marketing efforts.

Plus, you won't have to worry about whether or not data is being securely stored - all of your information will be stored in one place and accessible only by those who need it.

Here are some tips for consolidating your tech stack in a downturn:

Identify areas of overlap

Start by taking inventory of all the tools and technologies you currently use. Look for areas where you may be using multiple tools to perform the same or similar functions. For example, do you have multiple social media management tools, or are you using different email marketing platforms for different campaigns?

By identifying areas of overlap, you can potentially consolidate tools and reduce costs. This will also help you streamline processes and make it easier for your team to manage multiple campaigns and tasks.

Evaluate the effectiveness of each tool

Next, evaluate the effectiveness of each tool in your tech stack. Are there any tools that you are paying for but not using to their full potential? Are there any tools that are not delivering the results you expected?

By evaluating the effectiveness of each tool, you can determine which ones are worth keeping and which ones may need to be replaced. This will help you allocate your resources more effectively and ensure that you are getting the most value out of your tech stack.

Consider free or low-cost alternatives

If you have identified tools that are not delivering the results you expected or that you are not using to their full potential, consider looking for free or low-cost alternatives. There are many great tools available that can help you achieve similar results without breaking the bank.

For example, if you are using a paid social media management tool, you may be able to achieve similar results using a free tool like Hootsuite or Buffer. Or, if you are using a paid CRM system, you may be able to find a free or low-cost alternative like HubSpot CRM.

Integrate tools where possible

One of the benefits of consolidating your tech stack is that it can help you streamline processes and improve efficiency.

One way to do this is by integrating tools where possible. For example, if you are using separate tools for email marketing, social media management, and CRM, consider integrating them into a single platform like HubSpot. This will allow you to manage all of your marketing efforts from one place, making it easier for your team to work efficiently and effectively.

Don't be afraid to cut ties with underperforming tools

Finally, don't be afraid to cut ties with tools that are not delivering the results you expected. While it can be difficult to part ways with tools that you have invested time and resources into, it is important to prioritise your resources and allocate them where they will have the most impact.

If you have identified a tool that is not delivering the results you expected, consider whether it is worth continuing to invest in. If not, don't be afraid to cut ties and explore other options.

Source: GIPHY


Consolidating your tech stack during a downturn can lead to significant cost savings while simultaneously improving efficiency, security, collaboration, and customer experience.

With fewer but more integrative tools at your disposal, you'll be well-equipped for whatever comes next - be it an upturn or something else entirely.

> Download our Tech Stack Audit Template <

Start exploring how consolidating your tech stack could benefit your business today – if you're looking to do this through a new CRM, then talk to our HubSpot experts and request a free CRM demo - or if you are already using HubSpot and need help to simplify your tech stack book a call!